Refresh Packs

Tired, old, craggy pair of skates? Don't worry, we have the perfect solution to clean up your skates and make them look lovely again. Our refresh packs, available in lots of lovely fresh colours, are perfect to make your skates look and feel like new. Choose from Pack 1 which includes a lovely new pair of laces and toe stops or Pack 2 which includes a pair of skate plugz and brites laces all COLOUR MATCHED to make your skates look as good as you roll.

Tired, old, smelly skates? don't worry, we have the perfect product for your skates. Our REFRESH PACKS, available exclusively at can help bring a new life to your skates and help them look great.

Four packs are available:

Pack 1 - 2 x Brites toe stops and a pair of Brites Skate Laces - retails for £5.98 now £5.00 SAVE £0.98

Pack 2 - 2 x Brites Skate Plugz and a pair of Brites Skate Laces - was £10.98 now £10.00SAVE £0.98